ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Emerging Technologies
James Tompkin, Samuel Muff, Stanislav Jakuschevskij, Disney Research, Jim McCann, Jan Kautz, Marc Alexa, Wojciech Matusik
Since the seminal SketchPad work of Sutherland [1964], direct interaction with a computer has been compelling: we can directly touch, move, and change what we see. Direct interaction is a major contribution to the success of smartphones and tablets; yet, the world is not flat. While existing technologies can display realistic multi-view stereoscopic 3D content reasonably well [Lueder 2012], interaction within the same 3D space often requires extensive additional hardware. We present a cheap and easy system that uses the same lenslet array for both multi-view autostereoscopic display and 3D light-pen position sensing.