ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2016)
Timothy Langlois, Ariel Shamir, Daniel Dror, Wojciech Matusik, David I.W. Levin
In this paper we propose failure probabilities as a semantically and mechanically meaningful measure of object fragility. We present a stochastic finite element method which exploits fast rigid body sim- ulation and reduced-space approaches to compute spatially varying failure probabilities. We use an explicit rigid body simulation to em- ulate the real-world loading conditions an object might experience, including persistent and transient frictional contact, while allowing us to combine several such scenarios together. Thus, our estimates better reflect real-world failure modes than previous methods. We validate our results using a series of real-world tests. Finally, we show how to embed failure probabilities into a stress constrained topology optimization which we use to design objects such as weight bearing brackets and robust 3D printable objects.